Well, we spent yesterday with daddy doing all kinds of fun things! First we went to grandma joan's house to vistit and then went to the spray park in midland. Then we went to Grandma Sue's house and swam in her pool, even Levi got his feet wet! Ty said to write that he had lots of fun! Both Ty and Wyatt jump in and go underwater by themselves. Then we went out on our friends boat down the river to see the Tall Ship in Bay City. We got the most beautiful photos at sunset in the boat. Let's just say it was a long day...Wyatt's been napping now for 2 hours and Ty didn't get up this morning until 10:15! It sure was a fun filled day!
Today we made bird feeders. I saw it on TV and thought the kids would love it and they did. Although the dog loved the smell of peanut butter and wouldn't leave us alone, I hope she can't reach them outside. First we used egg cartons, cut them apart and put peanut butter on the outside. Then we covered the PB with bird seed and put them on a string to hang them with.
Then we hung them up outside in Baby Jacks tree in the backyard!